Josias Oltehua - Finca Oltehua
Josías Oltehua is an indigenous Nahuatl producer from Sierra de Zongolica, in Veracruz, Mexico. The Nahuas are a group of the indigenous people of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
They comprise the largest indigenous group in Mexico and the second largest in El Salvador. However, in the pre-Columbian period, Nahuas were subdivided into many groups that did not necessarily share a common identity.
For the last two years, Josías has innovated in coffee processing involving maceration and prolonged fermentation, resulting in unique cups such as this lot: L21ZON21. The farm's name is "Oltehua." It is a fully shaded coffee agroecological plantation, free of pesticides. The varieties grown on the farm are mainly Typica, Bourbon, Garnica, and Marseillaise.
cup tasting notes.
honey | apricot | mandarin
cup profile.
With this lot from Josias we taste banana chips, papaya and stone fruit. It’s a Gentle cup with milk chocolate, a clean mouthfeel and mellow intensity.
transparency report.
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