Cristian Salazar - Los Cipreses

For more than four decades, the Salazar Family has been selling their coffee to coffee cooperatives. However, in 2018 the instability of the commercial market motivated them to rethink their strategy and they decided to explore the international market and connected with our partner 100LIBRAS. Although they were new to us, we discovered the Salazar family’s absolutely fantastic coffee on a blind cupping table and in our opinion they are producing one of the greatest and most aromatic Caturra's and SL28, we've tasted in West Valley. With their recent success, Cristian invested in a micro mill for the farm, which we are planning to help develop before the upcoming harvest.

about the coffee.
In 2020 Salazar family produced a wide variety of different coffees such as Caturra, Catuaí, Villalobos, SL28 and Gesha reaching excellent results in quality and appreciation all over the world at the cupping tables. Due to the pandemic, harvest of 2021 was more strategic, processing coffees only confirmed by customers.
In March 2022, after visiting Cristian and his brothers we decided to have not two but three insanely tasty coffees: SL28, Gesha and Milenio variety!