Ratnagiri Estate is owned and operated by Ashok Patre. Located in an environmentally abundant corner of the majestic South Indian Western Ghats near Bababudangiri, where Indian coffee originated, “Ratnagiri” literally means “Pearl Mountains” as the dense silver oak trees that tower over the remarkably flavorful, shade-grown coffee gives a silvery hue to the surrounding hillsides.
At Ratnagiri, generations of the Patre family have dedicated their lives to producing coffee since 1927, caring for a land that has rewarded their passion and perseverance. The farm reached new heights of quality after the decision was made to invest in modern agricultural technology in the year 2000. Since then, Ashok has continuously pursued and invested in improvements to his farm which has led to continued improvements in the quality of his coffee.
Ratnagiri Estate coffee is a popular purchase amongst fine flavor-seeking palates across the world. At an average elevation of 1000-1500 m.a.s.l. with annual rainfall measuring between 1750-2200 mm, the area's climate is mild, with cool winds and offers excellent conditions for coffee cultivation with stable temperatures between 14 –32 degrees celsius. The land is nourished by two freshwater streams which adhere to strict environmental guidelines regulated by government quality and pollution control boards. With a strong commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability, the coffee from Ratnagiri estate is a fine blend of art and heart!

In addition to the farm’s excellent environmental conditions, Ratnagiri Estate also adheres to strict quality standards. For example, each year shading at the farm is controlled by professional workers regulating each individual tree to achieve 50% shade coverage. In doing so, the environment for fungus is minimized while still maintaining access to the sun for photosynthesis. Similarly, the farm switched from concrete to tile surfaces to avoid potential acid formation during fermentation.
The most recent news from Ratnagiri Estate can be found here.
about the farm.
In 2019, Ratnagiri began fermenting coffee in an anaerobic environment, designing and building stainless steel tanks for consistency and control. The results thus far have been amazing; separating the areas for drying to honey, washed and naturals allow the farm to plan better, rotate coffee faster and protocol more easily. Layered African drying beds were built with ideal shading to control the drying process for optimal moisture and water activity levels.
Additionally, with the biggest investment in the history of the farm, Ratnagiri Estate built ventilated greenhouses for drying coffee and a dry milling facility thus allowing for the full vertical integration of Ratnagiri Estate. Defects, screen size and density sorting is now performed in house prior to export. Also, coffees now are being dried at layered tables under the mesh limiting sun access and slowing down the drying process.
Ratnagiri invested in new equipment at the end of 2019, purchasing an ECOpulper which saves approximately 65% of water use, recirculating it under high pressure. This machine also has custom-built upgrades for processing honey and natural coffees. Each run removes floaters and cleans the coffee fruit before pulping.
Ratnagiri Estate transferred from concrete to tiles to avoid all types of acid formed during fermentation to react with concrete. In 2019, Ratnagiri started fermenting coffee in an anaerobic environment, designing and building stainless steel tanks for consistency and control. Separating areas for drying to honey, washed and naturals allow us to plan better, rotate faster and protocol easier. They built layered African drying beds with ideal shading to control the drying process for optimal moisture and water activity levels.

With the biggest investment in the history of the farm, they built ventilated green houses for drying coffee and dry milling facility integrating vertically Ratnagiri Estate. Defects, screen size and density sorting it’s done now by us before exporting coffee. Customers are being offered to have their coffee shipped in our jute bags, grain pro or vacuum-packed sealed without oxygen in boxes (nano lots). These coffees are being dried at layered tables under the mesh limiting sun access and slowing down the whole process.
cup profile.
Sticky sweetness reminding us of molasses with syrupy body and silky mouthfeel. Yellow melon with golden raisins flavors. Clean and balanced cup with watermelon finish
cup tasting notes.
blood orange, pink grapefruit, mango
transparency report.
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